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Artshow.com attracts thousands of artists and art enthusiasts each day. We have been recognized in "Must-See Web Sites for Artists" by The Artist's Magazine and have received favorable mention in several other art publications, including Fine Art Connoisseur, American Artist, Southwest Art, Watercolor Magic, and The Pastel Journal, as well as The Wall Street Journal.
Call for Artists Listing
- displayed on the page where your event takes place (West, Midwest, Online, etc.)
- runs until your art deadline for just $45!
- add an image - $20
- add to the first page of Calls for Artists ("Featured Opportunities") - $45
- add a Homepage Blurb (see below) - $50

Homepage Blurb
- displayed in "Upcoming Deadlines" on our homepage
- ONLY available with a Call for Artists (see above)
- duration: runs 1 month

Homepage Banner Ad
- displayed on our homepage
- image-based ad
- duration: choose from 1 to 4 months