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"Improvisational Drawing with Bernie Witzack"
March 16, 2025 | 10a-2p

Deadline to register: March 1, 2025. Join us for a process-based class exploring abstraction through improvisational drawing. This class is perfect for both beginning and more advanced students. Class will begin with a refresher of the formal elements of art and design such as color, line, shape, texture and composition. Students will be guided through a series of group and individualized prompts focused on abstraction. Students will leave the class with a series of experiments and directions to build upon in their own creative practice. Creativity, material exploration and the art-making process will be the emphasis of this course.
Location: Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin
Instructor: Bernie Witzack
Cost: $140
Sponsor: River Arts on Water Gallery
Website, email, 608-643-5215


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