Art Workshops, Classes & Retreats

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"Narrative Painting for Fine Art and Illustration (Water-Media)"
Thursdays, May 23 - June 27, 2024

Develop your artistic voice through a series of drawing and painting projects with artist and award-winning illustrator, Kate Samworth. Work from observation, memory, and imagination to learn to clearly communicate your ideas through pictures. Content includes demonstrations in perspective drawing, working from reference materials, and developing the palette best suited to the intention of each work of art. Weekly feedback from instructor and group conversations/critiques will cultivate new ideas and promote understanding of course concepts. Students will work in drawing materials and the water-based color media of their choice.
Location: Web-delivered (Online)
Instructor: Kate Samworth
Cost: $250
Sponsor: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Website, email, 215-972-7632

"Sunday Painting with Susan"
Sundays, June 2 - July 7, 2024

Take an energetic painting journey on Sunday afternoons with Susan Sullivan in this live Zoom class! Learn the basics of direct oil painting (alla prima) and layering techniques as you create paintings from your own still life, window view/landscape, self-portrait, and more. Lessons include setting up a still life and other subjects, lighting, drawing and composition, using warm and cool color, color mixing, brush work and using the palette knife. Receive helpful feedback and critique along the way. All levels welcome in this informative and fun class!
Location: Web-delivered (Online)
Instructor: Susan Sullivan
Cost: $195
Sponsor: Cerulean Arts Gallery and Studio
Website, email, 267-290-8791

"Figure as a Point of Departure Workshop"
June 7-9, 2024

If you are tired of getting lost in the details and traditional modes of representational painting and want to take a risk by exploring new ways of expressing the human form, this class is for you. Learn to paint and draw the human figure in a looser, more expressionistic contemporary manner. Expert instruction and advice from the instructor will push students to work more intuitively, allowing unplanned marks and passages to become artistic breakthroughs. Examples of contemporary ways of using the figure will be provided to enhance your understanding of the abstract qualities of space, line and color. Sessions include live painting time, with critiques and advice from the instructor. Open to all levels of figure drawing/painting experience.
Location: Web-delivered (Online)
Instructor: Kassem Amoudi
Cost: $175
Sponsor: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Website, email, 215-972-7632

"Expressions in Paint: Oil/Acrylic"
Fridays, June 21 - August 16, 2024

In this course, we will be painting small, loose paintings of varied subject matter comprised from images that students will submit. Learn how to break down an image to its most important aspects and not get tied up in detail from the start. Composition, color mixing and painting technique will be addressed in a fun and relaxing painting experience! All skill levels welcome.
Location: Web-delivered (Online)
Instructor: Stefanie Lieberman
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Alla Prima Portrait Drawing and Painting"
Sundays, July 14 - August 18, 2024

Al Gury, Professor of Painting and Drawing at PAFA and noted author of Alla Prima, Color for Painters, and Foundations of Drawing, presents this in-depth approach to the skills, materials, colors, history, and techniques of alla prima portrait painting and drawing. Working from photographs, masterworks, or available models, learn concepts that will not only improve your portrait painting and drawing, but also grow your confidence in your artistic practice. Video demonstrations, images, and written instructions on the online learning platform Canvas will be supplemented by critiques and weekly discussions. Oil painting will be the primary focus, but all media are welcome as well as all levels of experience.
Location: Web-delivered (Online)
Instructor: Al Gury
Cost: $295
Sponsor: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Website, email, 215-972-7632

"Composition in Drawing and Painting"
Sundays, July 14 - August 18, 2024

An in-depth approach to understanding and using composition by Al Gury, Professor of Painting and Drawing at PAFA, and noted author of Alla Prima, Color for Painters, and Foundations of Drawing. This class presents practical skills and strategies for making strong compositions. Composition, the arrangement of images, shapes, forms, colors, values to form visual balance and strength within the pictorial frame of an artwork, will be explored through projects using still life, interiors, portraits, and landscapes. Each class will contain explanations of the visual compositional strategies in both historic and contemporary art, and extensive tactics for problem-solving and solutions, as well as a weekly assignment and critique of personal work. All media and levels of experience are welcome.
Location: Web-delivered (Online)
Instructor: Al Gury
Cost: $295
Sponsor: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Website, email, 215-972-7632

"Painting the landscape (but seeing more)"
Ongoing classes

These ongoing classes series of 4 meetings each, are for you, who wish to improve your painting and sketching skills of the Landscape. Painting from your window or from images you took yourself. Will be available to participants of any level! Classes offer individual instruction and assignments. In addition, I will be open to specific requests for technique or any artistic "problem" that you may want to talk about and work out. Finding shapes, colors, and color values. Using the brush as an extension of your hand, we can work looser. The class is on Mondays. Duration 2 hours (it is an international group check your time zone on the site)
Location: Web-delivered (Online)
Instructor: Tali Farchi
Cost: $125 for 4 meetings
Sponsor: Artist Table
Website, email, 0031624903316

"Story Painting"
Ongoing classes

Storytelling versus Story Painting? Or maybe not versus? Let’s tell your story in a painting. In this class, we will learn how to tell your story, convey atmosphere, and feel, and understand colors, lines, focal-point, framing, and depth. You can add (or deduct) from the painting that will tell your story! Let us hear your tale! an ongoing class and instructions. From the prehistoric images in the caves to Edward Hopper... from the bible in pictures to the most modern painters of our times... We will set our subjects in 4 meetings. If you miss a class there will be a recording available.
Location: Web-delivered (Online)
Instructor: Tali Farchi
Cost: $125 for 4 meetings
Sponsor: Artist Table
Website, email, 0031624903316

"Online Figure Drawing via Zoom"
Every Wednesday

An international group meets online via Zoom every Wednesday (check your time zone). Short and long poses, from 5-10 minutes and 20-30 minutes. Each week I invite a new model to pose. There is always some music in the background that I'm sharing too. 2 hours session. No instruction. At the end of the session, we show each other the work. Friendly atmosphere, everyone is welcome!
Location: Web-delivered (Online)
Instructor: Open session hosted by Tali Farchi
Cost: $15 per session
Sponsor: Artist Table
Website, email, 0031624903316

"Painting Music Online"
Every Thursday

“Painting Music” is an intuitive painting and drawing, open session for everyone. No painting or drawing skills are needed. Move your paint as the music tells you... on a canvas or in your sketchbook. I create a one-hour playlist of the different subjects each week. You may paint one painting or 10 or as much as you want. No rules. You may interpret the music as figurative or abstract, anything goes! The camera of your device will be pointed to the working area, so we can also see the progress, and be inspired. After the session, we look at each other's artwork and talk about the process.
Location: Web-delivered (Online)
Instructor: Tali Farchi
Cost: $10 per session
Sponsor: Artist Table
Website, email, 0031624903316


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