Sculpture Techniques, Tutorials, and Resources
General Topics:
Smooth-On Product Tutorials -- Instructional videos and step-by-step photo tutorials for lifecasting, model making, concrete casting, sculpture projects, and more.
David Neat's Model-making -- David Neat, author of Model-making: Materials and Methods, shares his tips for model-making and small-scale sculpture. The site includes detailed descriptions of materials as well as a variety of step-by-step tutorials covering model-making, mouldmaking and casting, and other form-making techniques.
Techniques of Sculpture -- Andrew Werby answers questions about modeling, carving, metalworking, casting, concrete, surface treatments and more.
Casts and Molds -- Andrew Werby answers questions about various materials and methods for creating casts and molds.
Anne Cox's Assemblages -- An interview with Anne Cox, a sculptor who combines society's discarded debris to create expressive and symbolic assemblages.
Wood Carving Techniques & Resources:
Wood Carving Tutorial -- Mark Carroll gives an overview of the types of wood for carving, the tools used, and the techniques used in the wood carving process.
Woodcarving Tutorials -- Lora Irish provides free online tutorials and projects for wood carving.
NightWing Enterprises: Fine Art Wood Sculpture by Ray Cologon -- Cologon utilizes precious and exotic woods to create exquisitely detailed turned and carved wood art. His work is evocative and timeless and explores metaphysical themes.
Bill Sharp's Nuts and Bolts of Wood Carving -- Advice for new carvers or those interested in carving. Reccomendations for tools, techniques, and finishing.
Woodworking Tidbits -- FAQs, reviews of tools, and more.
The Carving Path Tutorials -- The Carving Path forum posts wood carving tutorials and tips from several different artists.
Clay Techniques & Resources:
Sculpting Tutorial Video -- Artist Joanna Mozdzen shows step-by-step how she creates a female portrait in clay.
Sculpting Video for Mastering Portraiture -- Artist Philippe Faraut demonstrates his portrait sculpting techniques using water-based clay.
Portrait Bust Video -- Working from a life model, artist Robert Liberace discusses his thought process and shares techniques for creating portraits in terra cotta clay.
Clay Sculpting Guide -- Peter Holland, an experienced professional ceramic artist and sculptor specialising in bone-china production, provides online lessons with step-by-step explanations of sculpting techniques.
Tips and Techniques -- Katherine Dewey shares techniques for sculpting in polymer clay. The section on "Proportioning the Human Figure" is helpful for artists intersted in sculpting the figure.
Pottery Clay in Sculpting -- Andrew Werby dicusses ceramic pottery clay as a medium for sculpture, providing tips for creating armatures, firing the clay, and adding surface treatments such as glazes, underglazes, and overglazes.
Sculpting and Model Building with Polymer Clays -- Dan Perez provides sculpting advice and tips. The articles on Moldmaking & Casting are particularly thorough with lots of great pictures.
Metalworking Techniques & Resources:
How To Weld Garden Art DIY -- An online video demonstrating the tools and techniques used in welding and grinding.
How To Weld Steel Sculpture; Tools & Techniques -- An online video demonstrating the tools and techniques used in welding and grinding.
Egbert J. Bos creates a metal welding sculpture: Head -- This online video has no narration, but provides a fascinating glimpse into the process of creating a large-scale outdoor sculpture.
How to Create Metal Sculptures -- In a series of online videos Kevin Caron demonstrates techniques for creating metal sculptures.
Stone Carving Techniques & Resources:
Stone Carving Tutorial -- Mark Carroll gives an overview of the most popular stones for carving, the hand tools and pneumatic tools used, and a brief course on stone carving techniques.
How to carve marble, limestone, soapstone and alabaster sculptures -- Shane Smith describes the techniques used in creating stone sculptures: carving, sanding, polishing, and mounting.
Soapstone Sculpture -- Tips for carving soapstone.
Concrete Techniques & Resources:
Concrete Sculpture -- Andrew Goss shares detailed guidelines and recipes for using portland cement concrete for small scale art projects.
Concrete and Plaster -- Sculptor Andrew Werby discusses techniques for sculpting with concrete and plaster.
Glass Techniques & Resources:
Glass FAQs -- Frequently asked questions from the newsgroup.
Fusing Method -- Fusing rules and firing instructions from Delphi along with a list of supplies and resources.
Our favorite Sculpture Books

The Figure in Clay: Contemporary Sculpting Techniques by Master Artists
Nine ceramic artists share their insights into conceptualizing and sculpting figurative works.

Carving Classic Female Faces in Wood
Artist Ian Norbury gives in-depth instruction on carving female faces, both adult and child, with step-by-step instructions and hundreds of full-color photographs.

Modelling and Sculpting the Human Figure
Goes beyond typical systematic instruction for recreating anatomical form.

The Colouring, Bronzing, and Patination...
Provides recipes, instruction and tips on how to apply a variety of patinas to several common metals.

Sculpting the Figure in Clay
Easy-to-follow instructions and well illustrated examples for creating expressive and accurate figurative sculpture.

Direct Stone Sculpture
Comprehensive how-to book with many detailed photographs that lead the reader through the hands-on experience of sculpting in stone.

A Beginner's Guide to Kiln-Formed Glass
A guide to fusing, slumping & kiln-forming techniques.