Art Workshops, Classes & Retreats

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"Gardens in Gouache"
Tuesdays, April 1 - May 6, 2025

Gouache (opaque watercolor) is the perfect medium for landscape painting in the open air! Painters of all levels will fall in love with this portable, fast-drying, and easy-to-clean-up alternative to oils. Explore the medium’s vibrant color and versatile application and layering methods as you portray the beauty of springtime gardens in Philadelphia’s parks in your own personal style. Learn techniques for choosing a composition and working efficiently outdoors as you complete a series of rapid sketches and at least one sustained painting. Topics will include color, paint materiality/texture, transparent and opaque layering techniques, color mixing and historical palettes, pigments, and paper choices. Open to all levels. Painting locations featuring shade, restrooms, and other amenities.
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Michelle Oosterbaan
Cost: $375
Sponsor: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Website, email, 215-972-7632

"Painting Loosely in Watercolor"
Wednesdays, April 2-23, 2025

Imagine clear, transparent and luminous watercolors where your brush strokes make the shape and form of your subject without picky detail. Mastering a loose technique is the groundwork that will enable you to paint intuitively and creatively. Use of color, specific brush technique, transparent layering, juxtaposition of values and use of visual texture and rhythm to create your scene are the focus of this course. We will paint from life in the studio and outdoors (weather permitting), and from your reference photos. When painting from life, Alex will start the class with a demonstration on what to look for and how to compose the scene in a loose, balanced and lively manner.
Location: Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Instructor: Alex Sharma
Cost: $200
Sponsor: Art League of Hilton Head
Website, email, (843) 842-5738

"Very Beginner Watercolor Painting"
April 5, 2025

If you have ever wanted to try to paint in vibrant, transparent watercolor but didn't know how to start, this is the class that will introduce you to classic watercolors and the methods used to create fluid, pleasing results. Learn all the basics from a former university art professor to get you started on an exciting journey. This workshop will cover: paints - and how to set up your color palette, brushes, types and weights of watercolor paper, color mixing, brushwork and care of materials. All will be demonstrated and practiced. Detailed information handouts are included and all your materials to use in this workshop are supplied for a $20 cash fee!
Location: Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Instructor: Alex Sharma
Cost: $100
Sponsor: Art League of Hilton Head
Website, email, (843) 842-5738

"City Landscape Drawing and Painting"
Sundays, April 6 - May 18, 2025

Capture the small-town beauty Manayunk's hilly streets, rowhomes, and storefronts. Learn to create a convincing sense of space, light and time of day while depicting streetscapes, trees, water and sky. Color mixing and painting techniques for oils will be demonstrated, but all drawing/painting media are welcome. Located just 15 minutes outside of Philadelphia, Manayunk offers engaging urban and riverside neighborhood subjects with parking, shade, provisions and facilities available. Note: Students are responsible for their own transportation to painting locations.
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Larry Francis
Cost: $295
Sponsor: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Website, email, 215-972-7632

"Travel Sketching in Watercolor"
April 6-10, 2025

Join me for 4 days of sketching with watercolor in beautiful Sonoma. We’ll enjoy the free-flowing and colorful nature of watercolor at its best while sketching and having fun! I’ll help you develop observation skills, color awareness, simple design principles and learn about light and shadows. We’ll investigate various techniques, sketching tools, and approaches to watercolor. Enjoy time with fellow artists, instruction and friendly critiques.
Location: Sonoma, California
Instructor: Brenda Swenson
Cost: $1,590
Sponsor: French Escapade
Website, email, 510-483-5713

"Gouache Painting Technique"
April 6, 2025

Join award-winning artist Natalia Andreeva for this gouache painting workshop. Natalia will do demonstrations in gouache, but other mediums are welcome. Natalia will lead you through the steps of designing your composition, format selection, judgments of perspective and illumination; she will discuss techniques of working with color and will take you all the way, till the very final touch. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn how to create impressionistic art with a Signature Member of the American Impressionist Society.
Location: Bryan, Texas
Instructor: Natalia Andreeva
Cost: $180
Sponsor: Degallery
Website, email, +1(979)704-3090

"Open Painting in The Medium of Your Choice"
Mondays, April 7-28, 2025

Paint with the medium of your choice, (Oil, WC, Acrylic, Pastel, Charcoal, Colored Pencil), in a relaxed atmosphere with as much instructor help as you want. Bring in new or unfinished work you want to do. Short demos, techniques, and critiques will be available to assist you. Realism, impressionism, or something more modern is all welcome. This class is appropriate for beginner painters, intermediate painters and advanced painters of any medium. The main purpose of this course is one-on-one assistance from the instructor with whatever you need help with (fixing, composition, specific subjects, etc.).
Location: Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Instructor: Dennis Lake
Cost: $200 or $50/day
Sponsor: Art League of Hilton Head
Website, email, (843) 842-5738

"Watercolor Contours"
April 8, 2025

Join Debi as she walks you through dry and wet media and the joy that comes when those media come together! If you're looking to add some wow factors to your own body of work, taking it to that next level, or, if you want to learn a few new techniques, this is the perfect class for you!
Location: Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Instructor: Debi West
Cost: $40
Sponsor: Art League of Hilton Head
Website, email, (843) 842-5738

"Painting Water & Reflections in Your Choice of Medium"
April 8, 2025

Get ready to embark on an artistic adventure at Art League Academy, where you’ll have the unique opportunity to learn from Alex Sharma, and unlock the transformative power of transparency in your art! This class promises to be a game-changer, guiding you through mastering techniques that will elevate your artwork to dazzling new heights, whether you’re working with oils, acrylics, or watercolors. Imagine achieving that stunning transparent look with deep, jewel-like colors that captivate the eye and evoke emotion! Alex will share invaluable insights on paint mediums and specific application techniques that create mesmerizing depth and illusion in your pieces. We warmly welcome artists of all skill levels and backgrounds to join this creative journey!
Location: Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Instructor: Alex Sharma
Cost: $100
Sponsor: Art League of Hilton Head
Website, email, (843) 842-5738

"Travel Sketching in Watercolor"
April 11-15, 2025

Join me for 4 days of sketching with watercolor in beautiful Sonoma. We’ll enjoy the free-flowing and colorful nature of watercolor at its best while sketching and having fun! I’ll help you develop observation skills, color awareness, simple design principles and learn about light and shadows. We’ll investigate various techniques, sketching tools, and approaches to watercolor. Enjoy time with fellow artists, instruction and friendly critiques.
Location: Sonoma, California
Instructor: Brenda Swenson
Cost: $1,590
Sponsor: French Escapade
Website, email, 510-483-5713

"Nature Journaling with Cynthia Quinn"
April 12-13, 2025 | 9a-4p

Ages 16+. Deadline to register: April 3, 2025. Learn to explore the Natural World based on your specific interests. I provide samples and offer demos in graphite drawing, pen & ink, watercolor pencils, collage, simple calligraphy and watercolor. I will provide a folded watercolor booklet for each student. Bring your curiosity and we will have a great time exploring together. Kit fee includes: Instructor will loan out dipping pens and inks, watercolor pencils, collage papers, matte medium for gluing, and make watercolor booklets for each student. Students should also bring: graphite pencil, eraser, watercolors or watercolor pencils, india ink, markers.
Location: Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin
Instructor: Cynthia Quinn
Cost: $250
Sponsor: River Arts on Water Gallery
Website, email, 608-643-5215

"The Portrait in Watercolor Workshop"
April 12-13, 2025

Learn to paint the portrait in watercolor! Instruction will cover drawing the head structure and features, mixing flesh tones, various application techniques will be discussed. Materials and techniques will be discussed, including the selection of papers, brushes, and pigments, as well as transparent and opaque painting methods. Students will have the option to work from portrait models or their own photo source material. All levels welcome. Tuition includes a $35 models fee. All levels welcome.
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Instructor: James Toogood
Cost: $260
Sponsor: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Website, email, 215-972-7632

"Life Model Drawing"
April 13, 2025

Life Drawing, also known as Figure Drawing, is the practice of drawing in order to study the human figure. If you look at historic artwork, you'll find many nude drawings and paintings. These are considered life drawings. Many artists perceive figure drawing as an endless effort with limitless possibility for improvement, learning, and diversity. The range of detail in a life drawing can vary immensely. They can range from highly detailed and anatomically proportional drawings to loose and expressive sketches to gesture drawings, which show the simple form, action and pose. Some popular mediums used during life drawings are charcoal, graphite, pen, ink and pastels. For the longer poses, some may use painting mediums like acrylics or oil.
Location: Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Cost: $20 for Members / $40 for Non-members
Sponsor: Art League of Hilton Head
Website, email, (843) 842-5738

"The Villages -Art Retreat"
April 17-24, 2025

Artist Table is returning to the USA! In April we will meet in Central Florida with a new retreat concept, a luxury hotel, lush surroundings, and an immersive art experience. We will sketch, paint, and develop new skills as we travel around the beautiful community of The Villages, surrounded by lakes, tropical landscapes, and quaint town squares. Painting around the nature and water streams of the Villages. Also offering an Encaustic workshop given by a local artist. A visit to Walt Disney's EPCOT International Flower & Garden Festival, three meals a day, lodging, and transport are included. This all-inclusive art retreat, delicious meals, exclusive day trips, and art-making. It will be a trip you won't forget.
Location: The Villages, Florida
Instructor: Tali Farchi Kathleen keller
Cost: $3100
Sponsor: Tali Farchi ArtisTTable
Website, email, +1 (321) 262 9236 or +31 6 24903316

"Expressive, Loose Watercolors - Flowers to Figures"
April 20-25, 2025

Fresh, beautiful flowers in the studio will be the inspiration for the beginning of this dynamic workshop — progressing to the head and figure. Through a series of quick and fun drawing and painting exercises, students will develop a more loose and natural approach, giving all an opportunity to be more spontaneous and expressive in their paintings. In our approach to the head and figure, we will learn to express translucent flesh tones, while focusing on the gesture of the person. Painting children will also be covered. We will work primarily from photos (you can work from mine — ones I will demo, plus extra that may interest you). Please feel free to bring your own photos also — ones that inspire you!
Location: Glastonbury, Connecticut
Instructor: Janet Rogers
Cost: $1144 + Materials fee
Sponsor: Artists Rising Creativity Retreats
Website, email, 860-781-4389

"Expressive Loose Watercolors - Flowers to Figures"
April 21-25, 2025

Fresh flowers for all will greet you as you enter the workshop! We will learn about the wonderful colors you can make with just a limited palette and cover interpreting flowers, faces and figures in a loose, expressive and fluid manner. You will be surrounded by beauty all around - at the Connecticut River Valley Inn. The Head and Figure portion of the workshop will require working from photos - I can provide many - but feel free to bring your own also. We will have many painting and drawing exercises before beginning our painting journey. Janet is a Signature Member of AWS, TWSA and FWS and has bee a popular instructor across the US and Europe.
Location: Glastonbury, Connecticut
Instructor: Janet Rogers, AWS
Sponsor: Artists Rising Creativity Retreats at The Connecticut River Valley Inn
Website, email, 860-633-7374

"Classic Watercolor Tuesday Afternoon"
Tuesdays, April 22 - June 3, 2025

This class with instruction by Alice Meyer Wallace will focus on classic watercolor techniques used by Sargeant, Homer, Rodin, Nolde, and particularly Charles Demuth, from Lancaster, PA. Come enjoy this fun and relaxed class! The class will work predominantly from still life but on occasion, the instructor will lead the class in painting from the model (2 times) and there will be an option of experimenting with watercolor and collage.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Alice Meyer-Wallace
Cost: $335
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Exploring Mixed Media & Collage"
Tuesdays, April 22 - June 3, 2025

This class will introduce students to acrylics, watercolor, inks, pastels, crayons and collage materials. Learn to play with these mediums and express yourself in your own unique way. Students will explore texture, shape, line and color with a focus on composition and design. Come unleash your creative spirit!
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Lauren Daddona
Cost: $280
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Light & Shadow"
Tuesdays, April 22 - June 3, 2025

Whether it is portrait, still life, landscape or abstracts, the presence of light against shadow gives the subject form and dimension. Bring your own inspiration to class and with this principle in mind, watch your paintings come to life! Composition and color mixing will be a focus in this class. All mediums and skill levels are welcome!
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Stefanie Lieberman
Cost: $335
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Watercolor: Enjoy the Process!"
Tuesdays, April 22 - June 3, 2025

Watercolor painting is spontaneous, fun, elusive, and challenging! Students experience the excitement of watercolors, integrating the elements of design, color, composition, and light., as they learn to enjoy the "process of painting" and develop their own personal style.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Laurie Daddona
Cost: $335
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Fundamental Watercolor"
Wednesdays, April 23 - June 4, 2025

This class will focus on the fundamentals of painting with Watercolors. This class will include step by step instruction with demonstrations and practice. Attention and focus on individual growth in the students’ own pace will be central in this class. Learn to paint watercolors in a free, fun and fluent manner. Discover and nurture your own personal style of expression. All levels welcome.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Indira Cariappa
Cost: $280
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Landscape Painting in Studio: All Mediums"
Wednesdays, April 23 - June 4, 2025

Working from your own reference material, we will spend each week focusing on a particular aspect of landscape painting. Individual techniques will be held each session in a supportive atmosphere. Syllabus will be provided. Please bring painting materials to the first class. All mediums welcomed.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Bonnie Mettler
Cost: $445
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Animal Painting"
Thursdays, April 24 - June 5, 2025

This class is designed to help the student capture the likeness and personality of their chosen animal by using a variety of techniques and paint application, be it the fluid motion of watercolor or the layering process of pastels and oils. Any medium and skill level is welcome. Students provide their own photographs.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Stefanie Lieberman
Cost: $335
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Classic Watercolor Thursday Evening"
Thursdays, April 24 - June 5, 2025

This class with instruction by Alice Meyer Wallace will focus on classic watercolor techniques used by Sargeant, Homer, Rodin, Nolde, and particularly Charles Demuth, from Lancaster, PA. Come enjoy this fun and relaxed class! The class will work predominantly from still life but on occasion, the instructor will lead the class in painting from the model (2 times) and there will be an option of experimenting with watercolor and collage.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Alice Meyer-Wallace
Cost: $280
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Fundamental Watercolor"
Thursdays, April 24 - June 5, 2025

This class will focus on the fundamentals of painting with Watercolors. This class will include step by step instruction with demonstrations and practice. Attention and focus on individual growth in the students’ own pace will be central in this class. Learn to paint watercolors in a free, fun and fluent manner. Discover and nurture your own personal style of expression. All levels welcome.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Indira Cariappa
Cost: $280
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Illustration Tools: Line, Narrative, Color, and Material Exploration"
Thursdays, April 24 - June 5, 2025

In this multi-week class, students will learn various approaches to illustration, both traditional and utilizing new techniques and technologies. Materials explored included pencil, archival inks, watercolor, gouache, alcohol markers, paint pens, and colored pencils. Students will learn various approaches to pattern-making, cross-hatching, and other forms of mark making as well as combining created imagery into collage.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Emily Pellini
Cost: $220
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Splash of Color: Watercolor Workshop"
Fridays, April 25 - June 6, 2025

Workshop participants will begin by learning to handle watercolor materials: papers, paints, brushes, palettes, and more. From the bold application of washes to fine detail, we’ll explore specifics: how to begin a watercolor and how to conclude a work, wet-in-wet to dry-brush, what to put in and what to leave out. The skillful use of the elements of composition and the simplification of form will provide a means to achieving dynamic results. We’ll also explore ways of creating a sense of light and mood in a watercolor, through the use of structured tone. The class will be looking at the watercolors by J. S. Sargent, Winslow Homer and Andrew Wyeth critically. Students will work from still-life and photos to start.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Ernie Norcia
Cost: $335
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Watercolor, Transparent & Opaque"
Fridays, April 25 - June 6, 2025

Watercolor is a versatile medium, which can be both transparent and opaque. Using a variety of subject matter, some techniques explored will be drawing for watercolor, painting without drawing, wet-in-wet watercolor, glazing with watercolor washes, the use of gouache and other aqueous media with watercolor. The instructor will start each class with a demonstration or an explanation of the technique for the day. Students will be encouraged to work in their own personal style. Each class will end with a group critique with the emphasis on constructive criticism.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Wendy Scheirer
Cost: $280
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Life Model Drawing"
April 27, 2025

Life Drawing, also known as Figure Drawing, is the practice of drawing in order to study the human figure. If you look at historic artwork, you'll find many nude drawings and paintings. These are considered life drawings. Many artists perceive figure drawing as an endless effort with limitless possibility for improvement, learning, and diversity. The range of detail in a life drawing can vary immensely. They can range from highly detailed and anatomically proportional drawings to loose and expressive sketches to gesture drawings, which show the simple form, action and pose. Some popular mediums used during life drawings are charcoal, graphite, pen, ink and pastels. For the longer poses, some may use painting mediums like acrylics or oil.
Location: Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Cost: $20 for Members / $40 for Non-members
Sponsor: Art League of Hilton Head
Website, email, (843) 842-5738

"Organic Watercolor Painting"
April 27, 2025

Join us for this exciting class with Minnesota based instructor, Julie Schroeder. Discover and energize your inner artist and loosen up with exciting new watercolor techniques. Using color, texture, layering, expressive mark making & splattering, we'll be experimenting with different professional papers, handmade organic papers & masa papers. Our main project will be a lovely landscape. We'll be layering on beautiful rich color in a wet into wet beginning with a special technique combining Masa Paper onto the watercolor paper to create a beautiful textured batik look! We will also be doing some smaller pieces exploring a variety of brush techniques and using handmade papers for 3-D effects. This class is perfect for all levels of experience.
Location: Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Instructor: Julie Schroeder
Cost: $150 + $20 cash for supply fee
Sponsor: Art League of Hilton Head
Website, email, (843) 842-5738

"Watercolor Painting Workshop: Painting in Studio + Cultural Visits"
April 29 - May 4, 2025

Come and paint in beautiful Santa Fe! Carol Carter will share her unique watercolor technique, painting from background to foreground, using dynamic and inventive color. We will begin each day in the studio with a watercolor tutorial where Carol will share her watercolor techniques. The workshop will provide templates, reference photos and materials information. The session will conclude with a small critique around 4pm. At the end of the day, we will walk the beautiful downtown of Santa Fe for some museums visit, wine tasting, photography, sketching, and of course we will give you free time for shopping. Relax, enjoy, learn a new watercolor technique or two among the camaraderie of other artists while savoring great local food.
Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Instructor: Carol Carter
Cost: $1,690
Sponsor: French Escapade
Website, email, 510-483-5713

"Exploring Vibrant & Dynamic Watercolors with Alvaro"
May 2-4, 2025

Come & explore watercolors in this three-day in studio workshop with this flamboyant, passionate artist who paints everyday scenes to almost abstract gestural swathes of pure color. Space is limited!
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Instructor: Alvaro Castagnet
Cost: $650
Sponsor: Ingrid's Originals Inc.
Website, email, 312-320-0833

"Watercolor Sketching and Journaling"
May 4-9, 2025

Join me for an unforgettable painting holiday in Santa Fe, a region famous for its stunning scenery and captivating light. During the workshop, all of the logistics will be taken care of by my good friends at French Escapade. All we have to do is relax and enjoy our days spent sketching in this strikingly beautiful part of New Mexico. We’ll have plenty of time to capture once-in-a-lifetime experiences on the pages of our watercolor journals. My teaching will focus on illustrated watercolor journaling. You’ll learn how to add style and interest to your sketchbook pages through the use of unique page layouts and borders, and we’ll cover several fun new lettering styles. I’ll offer daily demonstrations of painting techniques.
Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Instructor: Leslie Fehling
Cost: $1,690
Sponsor: French Escapade
Website, email, 510-483-5713

"Open Painting in The Medium of Your Choice"
Mondays, May 5-26, 2025

Paint with the medium of your choice, (Oil, WC, Acrylic, Pastel, Charcoal, Colored Pencil), in a relaxed atmosphere with as much instructor help as you want. Bring in new or unfinished work you want to do. Short demos, techniques, and critiques will be available to assist you. Realism, impressionism, or something more modern is all welcome. This class is appropriate for beginner painters, intermediate painters and advanced painters of any medium. The main purpose of this course is one-on-one assistance from the instructor with whatever you need help with (fixing, composition, specific subjects, etc.).
Location: Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Instructor: Dennis Lake
Cost: $200 or $50/day
Sponsor: Art League of Hilton Head
Website, email, (843) 842-5738

"Watercolor Painting Workshop"
May 8-15, 2025

Join me in Carmel and Pacific Grove, where we’ll experience the wild beauty of rugged Pacific shores, the enchanting fairy-tale cottages, and historic Mission architecture that make this place so unique. I’ve designed this workshop to give you confidence sketching wherever you happen to be. I’ll show you how to keep your watercolour sketches loose, fresh and vibrant. And I’ll share my techniques for capturing the beauty that surrounds us, so you can savour it for years to come.
Location: Carmel, California
Instructor: David Daniels
Cost: $3,790 before Nov 30th
Sponsor: French Escapade
Website, email, 510-483-5713

"Abstraction from Nature Workshop"
May 12-15, 2025

This class covers the fundamental tenets of design in art. You get to decide the level of abstraction you wish to explore. It is more a learn-how-to-think class where you learn a process that you can use to explore new ideas. It’s a crash course on finding authenticity in your work. This class covers the seven principles of creative expression and the language of art. Larry’s intent is to help each artist find a way that works that is unique to them, whether they wish to interpret from life, push their process, or go fully abstract. This is not a class for beginners, participants need to have some experience with drawing, color and painting.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Larry Moore
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Mastering Watercolor Techniques: Plein Air to Studio"
May 12-14, 2025

Students will learn how to approach complicated scenery and to convey its character without resorting to endless details' depiction, and master watercolor application techniques in a loose bold brush style of painting. Included in this workshop: How to define existing scapes into three focal planes to tackle any subject matter; use different painting techniques for each focal plane; finish your painting with intricate details and energize your painting with powerful brushwork; paint loose and where and why to use a particular application technique in your painting and how to apply the power of unifying wash; use the sword liner for painting trees, brunches, wires, polls and other details requiring calligraphy; use of white gouache for highlight.
Location: Dahlonega, Georgia
Instructor: Vladislav Yeliseyev
Cost: $625
Sponsor: Art Loft
Website, email, 706-429-6008

"Drawing a Painting with Watercolor Pencils"
May 16-17, 2025

Do you own watercolor pencils that have been lurking on the sidelines? Are you puzzled about how to use them? This workshop is designed to help both watercolorists and colored pencil artists alike learn the potential of these wonderful little tools. Imagine the convenience of a pan of watercolor pigment in the form of a concentrated pencil point, and the painting possibilities are amazing- and fun! Draw, spatter, grate, dissolve: water soluble colored pencils offer a great range of techniques and beautiful effects. Learn and explore the amazing potential of such aquarelle drawing materials. Kristy Kutch is an experienced, supportive instructor who has taught colored pencil nationwide. Students of all levels of experience are welcome! (Many art materials included.)
Location: Manhasset, New York
Instructor: Kristy Kutch, C.P.S.A.
Sponsor: The Art Guild of Port Washington
Website, email, 516-304-5797

"Expressive Mixed-Media Florals"
May 18-23, 2025

During this exciting retreat, you will learn to paint florals, looking at colour, composition and techniques and how to approach flower painting creatively with a focus on the process rather than the outcome. Victoria will demonstrate a wide variety of materials and show you how to be explorative and experimental, letting go of the fear of making mistakes. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced level artist, you’ll develop the confidence and skills to creatively loosen up, be more spontaneous, and let go of self-doubt. You’ll be provided with a huge array of gorgeous flowers as inspiration. Quick and easy exercises will introduce you to collage and mixed media techniques. Victoria will be on hand, offering support and advice.
Location: Glastonbury, Connecticut
Instructor: Victoria Johnson
Cost: $1144 + Materials fee
Sponsor: Artists Rising Creativity Retreats
Website, email, 860-781-4389

"Beginner Watercolor"

Enjoy an evening of experimentation and fun while you learn the fundamentals of watercolor. You will learn basic watercolor techniques while you paint a wide range of subjects such as still life, landscape, florals, animals, etc. Watercolor techniques you will learn include basic washes, values, texture, glazing, color mixing, mingling, and more. You can expect tips and guidance throughout the painting process. All materials included. Classes are offered on Wednesdays.
Location: Bryan, Texas
Cost: $35 per class or $140/month
Sponsor: Degallery
Website, email, +1(979)704-3090

"Intermediate Watercolor"

Join a fun watercolor class with the professional instructor. If you are looking for critiques and guidance from the instructor or a fun gathering alongside other watercolor lovers, this class would be perfect for you. You will learn watercolor techniques while you paint a wide range of subjects such as still life, landscape, florals, animals, etc. No basic painting exercises or demonstrations are given so participants should have some experience with watercolor but need not be advanced. All materials included. Classes are offered on Wednesdays.
Location: Bryan, Texas
Cost: $35 per class or $140/month
Sponsor: Degallery
Website, email, +1(979)704-3090

"Artists (Ages 7-13 yrs)"

These classes are for older kids who enjoy art and wish to improve their skills. Painting (oil, acrylic, watercolors), drawing, sculpture, and many other creative techniques will be taught in these advanced classes. The classes are led by a well-known local artist whose work is represented in major galleries in the US and Europe. His sculpture is featured at the entrance of the College Station airport. Classes are offered on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
Location: Bryan, Texas
Cost: $30 per class or $85/month
Sponsor: Degallery
Website, email, +1(979)704-3090

"Botanical Offerings - A Floral Sketching and Painting Course"
May 25-30, 2025

Why flowers? I have always been drawn to painting flowers in my work. To me, flowers represent the healing power of beauty. I believe that the world could use a little more beauty (and art). I am delighted to share my love of flowers and my process of painting with all of you! Come arrange, sketch and paint flowers with me. During this five-day intensive workshop, we will explore shape, line, and color through a variety of expressions, including sketching, collage, and painting. We will use mixed media techniques to layer and create beautiful expressive florals. I will be walking artists through exercises to loosen up their process, create from a place of joy, play with color, and explore composition.
Location: Glastonbury, Connecticut
Instructor: Wendy Brightbill
Cost: $1144 + Materials fee
Sponsor: Artists Rising Creativity Retreats
Website, email, 860-781-4389

"Open Painting in The Medium of Your Choice"
Mondays, June 2-16, 2025

Paint with the medium of your choice, (Oil, WC, Acrylic, Pastel, Charcoal, Colored Pencil), in a relaxed atmosphere with as much instructor help as you want. Bring in new or unfinished work you want to do. Short demos, techniques, and critiques will be available to assist you. Realism, impressionism, or something more modern is all welcome. This class is appropriate for beginner painters, intermediate painters and advanced painters of any medium. The main purpose of this course is one-on-one assistance from the instructor with whatever you need help with (fixing, composition, specific subjects, etc.).
Location: Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Instructor: Dennis Lake
Cost: $150 or $50/day
Sponsor: Art League of Hilton Head
Website, email, (843) 842-5738

"Vibrant Landscapes in Gouache"
June 14, 2025

This class will focus on color theory using a limited palette of colors to create two or more dramatic landscapes from your own images. Discover the best ways to apply gouache working from the larger shapes down to the details. We will be working smaller than 8 x 10. The instructor will provide demonstrations, instruction on color mixing and application. Discover more about gouache as a great medium for studies for larger pieces and for working "en plein air".
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Abby Ober
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Through Light & Air with Michal Jasiewicz"
June 20-22, 2025

Come & explore watercolors in this three-day in studio workshop with Michal who is a trained architect, but the architectural elements are never represented directly. This is a great opportunity to study with this Polish artist.
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Instructor: Michal Jasiewicz
Cost: $650
Sponsor: Ingrid's Originals Inc.
Website, email, 312-320-0833

"Floral Notes"
July 13-18, 2025

Immerse yourself in a serene setting surrounded by lush gardens and sweeping landscapes, perfect for sparking creativity. In this workshop, you'll explore the art of floral sketching, experiment with abstract florals, and bring landscapes to life using watercolors and gouache. Guided exercises will lead you to create a one-of-a-kind handmade book, a cherished collection of botanical beauty and artistic expression. Join us for days of creativity, connection, and inspiration among the blooms.
Location: Glastonbury, Connecticut
Instructor: Renee Mueller
Cost: $1144 + Materials fee
Sponsor: Artists Rising Creativity Retreats
Website, email, 860-781-4389

"Composition & Gesturality with Pasqualino"
July 18-20, 2025

Don't miss this opportunity to study with this fabulous Italian artist and teacher in Chicago. This is Pasqualino's second time teaching in Chicago. Spots are filling fast so don't lose out on this fabulous opportunity!
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Instructor: Pasqualino Fracasso
Cost: $650
Sponsor: Ingrid's Originals Inc.
Website, email, 312-320-0833

"Inspired By Nature Art Retreat"
July 20-25, 2025

I am constantly in awe and inspired by nature and I believe she’s our best teacher! I cannot wait to lead you in this exploratory workshop where we will use and study elements from nature to create a wide variety of beautiful art. From watercolor and stamped flowers, pressed elements and mark making in sketchbooks and journals, to mixed media, collage work and pattern play… it will be a wonderful, creative time together!! Whether you haven’t picked up a paintbrush since elementary school or you create art daily, I love teaching new techniques, sharing my process and favorite materials and I promise you will learn a lot, love what you create, and have fun and be inspired by nature!
Location: Glastonbury, Connecticut
Instructor: Caroline Simas
Cost: $1144 + Materials fee
Sponsor: Artists Rising Creativity Retreats
Website, email, 860-781-4389

"Studio Watercolor Workshop"
July 21-24, 2025

In this workshop, our main focus will be on the art of capturing and portraying light. Light plays a vital role in bringing depth, atmosphere, and realism to any artwork. Participants will have the opportunity to explore a range of techniques that can be employed to effectively represent light, including glazing, wet-on-wet, and drybrush techniques.
Location: Pensacola, Florida
Instructor: Vladislav Yeliseyev
Cost: $675
Sponsor: Palette Productions
Website, email

"Navigating the Three Planes of Vision in Watercolor"
August 1-3, 2025

Join us for an inspiring workshop where we'll dive into an exciting variety of subjects, from bustling streetscapes and serene boats to breathtaking landscapes. You'll discover how to tackle complex scenes with ease, focusing on capturing their true essence without getting overwhelmed by details. Through bold, expressive brushwork and vibrant watercolor techniques, you’ll learn to infuse your paintings with life and energy, confidently portraying the character and mood of your subjects. Sign up by May 15th, 2025 is required.
Location: Falmouth, Massachusetts
Instructor: Vladislav Yeliseyev
Cost: $560-610
Sponsor: Falmouth Art Center
Website, email, 508.540.3304

"Expressive, Loose Watercolors - Flowers to Figures"
September 9-12, 2025

Fresh flowers for each student at beautiful Dillman's Resort will be provided to inspire all for this energetic and enlightening workshop, in which we will explore watercolor in a spontaneous and intuitive way. Learning how to interpret Flowers - then the Head and Figure will be featured as Janet provides pathways to learning for all levels. The studio will be available 24/7 for students. Janet will also provide photos and drawings of her demonstrations of the head - students are welcome to paint what she paints or paint from their own photos. The goal of this workshop is to discover the magic and intuition of capturing life in our paintings!!! - and having fun all the way!!!
Location: Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin
Instructor: Janet Rogers, AWS
Sponsor: Dillman's Bay Resort
Website, email, 715-588-3143

"Landscape Painting Retreat in Acadia with Philip Frey"
September 10-14, 2025

Philip Frey and Schoodic Institute are pleased to offer a plein air painting retreat designed specifically for dedicated landscape painters. This retreat will provide an opportunity for participants to hone their skills, gain deeper knowledge of materials, and develop confidence in their creative abilities. The retreat will be held in the picturesque landscapes of Acadia National Park and the Schoodic Peninsula. Each day will start early with an on-site painting session, followed by an early afternoon demonstration and critique. Participants will have ample time to engage in painting, explore the surrounding area, or relax at their leisure.
Location: Winter Harbor, Maine
Instructor: Philip Frey
Cost: Commuter - $1,175 / Residential - $1,740
Sponsor: Schoodic Institute
Website, email, 207-288-1310

"The Magic of Contrasts III with Marc Folly"
September 23-25, 2025

This is Marc's third visit to Chicago and he offers a great workshop in the magic of contrasts in watercolor painting. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to study with this French artist in Chicago.
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Instructor: Marc Folly
Cost: $650
Sponsor: Ingrid's Originals Inc.
Website, email, 312-320-0833

"Watercolor: Sunset Landscapes"
November 7, 2025

Join internationally renowned artist, Alan Shuptrine for an immersive watercolor workshop focusing on the beautiful palette of colors found in Sunset Landscapes! Attendees will utilize different watercolor techniques and will work with a broad range of colors and depth, creating multiple compositions. Born the son of recognized painter, Hubert Shuptrine (1936-2006), Alan has continued the legacy of realism that both Andrew Wyeth and his father Hubert established. A resident of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, Shuptrine’s pursuit of the arts includes schooling at The Baylor School (Chattanooga, TN); The University of the South (Sewanee, TN); and The University of Tennessee (Knoxville, TN). For more information, visit
Location: Huntsville, Alabama
Instructor: Alan Shuptrine
Cost: $225 Museum members/ $275 non-members
Sponsor: Huntsville Museum of Art
Website, email, 256-535-6372

"Atmospheric Landscape in Watercolor"
March 8-13, 2026

This is one of the most favorite genres for watercolor artists. In this course we will analyze the three basic principles of landscape construction — three rules without which it is simply impossible to create a convincing and expressive watercolor. You will learn how to create atmospheric landscapes by manipulating tonal values, color and edge. Michael will show how to paint luminous landscapes and how to add emotions to your artwork. You will understand how to draw the right sketch and capture a picture in a dynamic and fresh style. You can expect plenty of individual attention and helpful demonstrations throughout the workshop.
Location: Glastonbury, Connecticut
Instructor: Michael Solovyev
Cost: $1144 + Materials fee
Sponsor: Artists Rising Creativity Retreats
Website, email, 860-781-4389

"Finding Your Voice in Watercolor"
May 31 - June 5, 2026

Watercolor paintings can be so much more than a checklist of watercolor techniques. David goes beyond paint application basics and shows how to construct strong, vibrant, personality-filled paintings. David firmly believes that planning does not destroy creativity, but creates opportunity. Daily one-on-one critiques and demos will be vital to helping you find your watercolor voice. Students will learn: • how to find the essence of your subject matter • how to construct compelling compositions • to see shapes, not objects • how to create a color strategy • how to use frisket to achieve batik-like effects • the importance of value patterns in your work • how to paint loosely while staying true to your subject matter.
Location: Glastonbury, Connecticut
Instructor: David Daniels
Cost: $1144 + Materials fee
Sponsor: Artists Rising Creativity Retreats
Website, email, 860-781-4389


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