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"Expressive, Loose Watercolors - Flowers to Figures"
April 20-25, 2025

Fresh, beautiful flowers in the studio will be the inspiration for the beginning of this dynamic workshop — progressing to the head and figure. Through a series of quick and fun drawing and painting exercises, students will develop a more loose and natural approach, giving all an opportunity to be more spontaneous and expressive in their paintings. In our approach to the head and figure, we will learn to express translucent flesh tones, while focusing on the gesture of the person. Painting children will also be covered. We will work primarily from photos (you can work from mine — ones I will demo, plus extra that may interest you). Please feel free to bring your own photos also — ones that inspire you!
Location: Glastonbury, Connecticut
Instructor: Janet Rogers
Cost: $1144 + Materials fee
Sponsor: Artists Rising Creativity Retreats
Website, email, 860-781-4389


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