Art Workshops, Classes & Retreats

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"Colored Pencil: Delicate to Dynamic"
September 9-12, 2024 (9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.)

Sharpen your colored pencils for workshop fun in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin- post-summer rush but still during the mild September weather. Kristy Kutch, a supportive, generous teacher, is the author of "Drawing and Painting with Colored Pencil" and "The New Colored Pencil". Kristy is featured in 4 instructional DVDs. Included are many aspects of this medium and its compatible surfaces. Create effects ranging from soft, transparent, and aqueous to dense and dramatic. Harbor Shores Hotel, on Geneva Lake, offers outstanding student discounts. Rooms feature mini-fridges, wet-bars, and microwaves. (Lodging reservations should be made separately. Inquire at 888-746-7371 to receive booking link. Mention this workshop for discount.) Bring an extra tote bag for samples; plan for this memorable workshop!
Location: Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Instructor: Kristy A. Kutch, C.P.S.A.
Sponsor: Kristy Kutch Colored Pencil Workshops
Website, email, 219-874-4688

"Exploring Color: Screenprint Monotype"
September 14, 2024 | 11a-3p | Register by: August 20

This class will focus on using screenprinting to create abstract figures, objects, or landscapes as an introduction to screen printing and monotyping. Providing an opportunity to explore an infinite amount of ways to create prints though basic fundamentals of printmaking through a non-toxic process. Instructor Bio: Roberto Torres Mata is first generation artist from Huntington Beach, California, and Rockford, Illinois, currently active in Madison, Wisconsin. He explores the complexities of migration from human and animal movements by using multi-media to further understand the issues of migration at the border. His work has been exhibited at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Figge Art Museum, Chazen Museum of Art, and the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art.
Location: Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin
Instructor: Roberto Torres Mata
Cost: $100 + $65 kit fee
Sponsor: River Arts Gallery
Website, email, 608-643-5215

"Expressive, Loose Watercolors - Flowers to Figures"
September 9-12, 2025

Fresh flowers for each student at beautiful Dillman's Resort will be provided to inspire all for this energetic and enlightening workshop, in which we will explore watercolor in a spontaneous and intuitive way. Learning how to interpret Flowers - then the Head and Figure will be featured as Janet provides pathways to learning for all levels. The studio will be available 24/7 for students. Janet will also provide photos and drawings of her demonstrations of the head - students are welcome to paint what she paints or paint from their own photos. The goal of this workshop is to discover the magic and intuition of capturing life in our paintings!!! - and having fun all the way!!!
Location: Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin
Instructor: Janet Rogers, AWS
Sponsor: Dillman's Bay Resort
Website, email, 715-588-3143


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