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"Nature Journaling with Cynthia Quinn"
April 12-13, 2025 | 9a-4p

Ages 16+. Deadline to register: April 3, 2025. Learn to explore the Natural World based on your specific interests. I provide samples and offer demos in graphite drawing, pen & ink, watercolor pencils, collage, simple calligraphy and watercolor. I will provide a folded watercolor booklet for each student. Bring your curiosity and we will have a great time exploring together. Kit fee includes: Instructor will loan out dipping pens and inks, watercolor pencils, collage papers, matte medium for gluing, and make watercolor booklets for each student. Students should also bring: graphite pencil, eraser, watercolors or watercolor pencils, india ink, markers.
Location: Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin
Instructor: Cynthia Quinn
Cost: $250
Sponsor: River Arts on Water Gallery
Website, email, 608-643-5215


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