Art Workshops, Classes & Retreats

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"Let the Land Guide Your Vision"
May 18-27, 2025

We explore the dramatic landscape of Doolin, County Clare, Ireland and translate its landscape, energy and lore into visual artwork. Our time together will be a balance between group excursions, individual exploration, and creation coupled with sharing and diving deeper into technique. We will establish a shared studio space as a center of operation as artists of any level work together in their preferred Media. Included in the retreat are 4 art workshops with Martin Bridge; field trips; 2 meals/day; housing and publication in an anthology of creativity (subject to vetting)—join us for this retreat of like-minded individuals connecting in various ways to the land in this very special place.
Location: Doolin, Ireland
Instructor: Martin Bridge
Cost: $1500-$2500 depending on accommodations
Sponsor: NatureCulture, and The Milk House
Website, email, 413-475-0650


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