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"Embracing Chaos - Techniques in Abstraction and Figurative Work"
September 5-9, 2024

Do you have moments of complete frustration with your work? We all do. In this course Melinda will help you to embrace those moments and learn to work with the idea of Chaos and ‘The Uglies’ in your paintings in order to achieve rich work with history and lasting interest. Are you looking for more personal expression? We will look at setting Creative and Conceptual Intentions in order to create meaningful, individual work. We will focus on the importance of contrast in our work by looking at the Elements of Design which will give you concrete ideas in abstraction. These Elements, mixed with several approaches to Figurative Abstraction will spark your creativity and give you lots to work on going forward.
Location: Glastonbury, Connecticut
Instructor: Melinda Cootsona
Cost: $975+
Sponsor: Artists Rising Creativity Retreats
Website, email, 860-633-7374


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