Art Workshops, Classes & Retreats

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"Aqueous Media, Pastel & Oil Painting"
Mondays, September 23 - December 9, 2024

Working from still life set-ups, learn the various techniques of aqueous media used for creating light, structure, texture, transparency and opacity. While the focus of the class is water-based acrylics, students are welcome to work in pastels or oil if they prefer. Instructor demonstrations and group discussion, as well as individual attention, provided during each class session.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Joseph Sweeney
Cost: $560
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Painting Over the Line"
Mondays, September 23 - December 9, 2024

Take your work to the next level under the mentoring guidance of artist/critic Kassem Amoudi. In this live focused open studio environment, all levels of students will discover how to enhance their own visual language and interests exploring new ways of painting. Expert instruction and advice from the instructor will push students to explore new possibilities and work more intuitively, allowing unplanned marks and passages to become artistic breakthroughs. Examples from contemporary and modern art will be examined to promote a broader understanding of the abstract qualities of space, line and color. Advance beyond confined lines and hard edges to a more liberated way of painting. It does not matter What you paint. It is How you paint it.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Kassem Amoudi
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Exploring Mixed Media & Collage"
Tuesdays, September 24 - December 10, 2024

This class will introduce students to acrylics, watercolor, inks, pastels, crayons and collage materials. Learn to play with these mediums and express yourself in your own unique way. Students will explore texture, shape, line and color with a focus on composition and design. Come unleash your creative spirit!
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Lauren Daddona
Cost: $465
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Light & Shadow: Bring Your Paintings to Life"
Tuesdays, September 24 - December 10, 2024

Whether it is a portrait, still life, landscape or abstracts, the presence of light against shadow gives the subject form and dimension. Bring your own inspiration to class and with this principle in mind, watch your paintings come to life! Composition and color mixing will be a focus in this class. All mediums and skill levels are welcome!
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Stefanie Lieberman
Cost: $560
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Painting over the Line"
Wednesdays, September 25 - November 27, 2024

Learn to explore new possibilities and paint more intuitively under the guidance of artist/critic/mentor Kassem Amoudi. Work from personal subject matter (objects, images, emotions, or ideas) to find your own visual language, informed by examples from contemporary and modern art. Examine how to use concepts of color, harmony, focal point, space, and mark-making as powerful tools of personal expression. Open painting is heavily supported by critiques and advice from the instructor as he works one-on-one with each student to guide them in their personal style and goals. This course is excellent for students pursuing abstract or nonobjective imagery, seeking knowledgeable feedback and a focused community painting environment. Painting experience recommended.
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Kassem Amoudi
Cost: $450
Sponsor: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Website, email, 215-972-7632

"Abstract Mixed Media Collage (Ages: 10-14)"
Thursdays, September 26 - November 21, 2024

In this engaging and fun-filled course, students will explore the fascinating world of abstract art through a combination of Mixed Media and Collage techniques. Students will experiment with acrylic paint and mixed media in a playful and positive environment that nurtures creativity and curiosity. Through demonstrations and guided activities, children will learn abstract painting techniques and be encouraged to develop their unique artistic style. Each week, students will delve into key concepts like proportion, contrast, balance, movement, rhythm, and basic color theory to create striking abstract pieces. This is an 8-week, 1.5 hour class.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Birgit Raders-Eichinger
Cost: $210
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Drawing & Painting (Ages: 9+)"
Fridays, September 27 - November 22, 2024

Students gain exposure to a number of mediums as they study composition, perspective and shading. Various use of materials will be utilized: graduated pencils, charcoal, pastels and acrylic paints. Drawing still life's, painting in the garden 'plein air' style and self-portraiture are just some of the techniques that will be introduced during this drawing and painting class. This is a 9-week, 1.5 hour, after school class.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Carolyn Coyle
Cost: $235
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Painting Clinic with Tom Csaszar"
September 28, 2024

Are you stuck on a painting and don't know what to do? Bring a problem painting or two to this workshop and artist and educator Tom Csaszar will help you find a solution. The day will begin with a critique and discussion to illuminate the issues in your painting and possible strategies to remedy them. Next you can work on your painting, or an alternative sketch or drawing, in your chosen media. You will work alongside the instructor and the group in this second part of the workshop, with ongoing feedback and discussion. Ideal for painters of all levels in all media including oil, acrylic, watercolor, and gouache.
Location: Philadelphia, PA, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Tom Csaszar
Cost: $95
Sponsor: Cerulean Arts Gallery and Studio
Website, email, 267-514-8647

"Painting Into Abstraction"
Thursdays, October 1-22, 2024

This class focuses on accessing personal expression in abstraction and understanding how to use visual language to create work that expresses your unique voice. You'll be introduced to starting a painting in “Reckless Abandon” and gain clarity about your abstract voice through demonstrations and discussions emphasizing the interrelationship between emotional expression, composition, and painting technique. Oil paint will be used for demos and technical discussions. Other paint mediums welcome.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Marianne Mitchell
Cost: $240
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Teen Studio Drawing & Painting (Ages: 11+)"
Wednesdays, October 2 - November 20, 2024

Whether you are a beginner or looking to round out your college portfolio, join me each week to develop and expand upon your skills in drawing & painting. We will use a variety of mediums including chalk pastel, and acrylic paint, and graphite. Working from a still life arrangements each class, the focus will be on life observation and the development of a completed pieces every few weeks. Build personal confidence with realism and explore self-expression through mark making and color. Students will benefit from demonstrations, highly individualized instruction and weekly critique sessions. This is an 8-week, 1.5 hour class. Please note: No class on October 12, 2024.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Michelle Schamis
Cost: $210
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Painting Beautiful Landscapes on Location"
October 5-6, 2024

Learn how to paint beautiful landscapes on location! In this class, we will discuss the fundamentals of painting en plein air as well as more advanced topics like drawing, composition, and color theory. We will begin with a lecture and discussion on the core concepts of plein air painting. This will be followed by a painting demonstration. Students are encouraged to ask questions throughout. The class will have a 1-hour lunch break. Afterwards, students will begin work on their own paintings while Marc gives individualized instruction. Class will end at 4pm, but students may continue to paint if they wish. The second day will follow a similar schedule, but will end with a group critique and discussion.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Marc Anderson
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Exploring Abstraction"
Wednesdays, October 9 - December 18, 2024

This class focuses on accessing personal expression in abstraction and understanding how to use visual language to create work that expresses your unique voice. You'll be introduced to starting a painting in “Reckless Abandon” and gain clarity about your abstract voice through demonstrations and discussions emphasizing the interrelationship between emotional expression, composition, and painting technique. Oil paint will be used for demos and technical discussions. Other paint mediums welcome.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Val Rossman
Cost: $470
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Simplified Landscapes"
October 12, 2024

Less is more! Start your day by making value studies from a landscape image of your own, then decide on the one that is the strongest composition. Then, recreate the scene on canvas or panel in acrylic or oil making decisions in establishing large and small shapes, values and color relationships while simplifying and moving away from the complexity of a photo.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Abby Ober
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"The Figure as a Point of Departure Workshop"
October 12-13, 2024

If you are tired of getting lost in the details and traditional modes of representational painting and want to take a risk by exploring new ways of expressing the human figure, this workshop is perfect for you. Learn to paint the human form in a looser, more expressionistic manner.  Examples of the figure's applications in modern and contemporary art will be provided to enhance your understanding of the abstract qualities of form, line and color. Class time will be weighted generously toward open painting, with critiques and advice from the instructor. Open to all levels of figure drawing/painting experience, but students should have experience with using their materials of choice and the ability to begin work from their own ideas or subject matter.
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Kassem Amoudi
Cost: $225
Sponsor: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Website, email, 215-972-7632

"Value to Color"
October 19-20, 2024

Harness the power of limited values to strengthen your design and improve your paintings. As the saying goes: “Value does the work and color gets the credit.” In this class you will learn to simplify your subject and use your value studies as a roadmap to a full color painting. This invaluable approach allows you to organize your shapes and values to work out compositional issues before dealing with color, making the painting process proceed more smoothly. You will also learn how a limited palette creates harmony in the color version of your painting. Demos and slideshows will illustrate the concepts I’m teaching.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Meg Walsh
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Figure Drawing & Painting"
October 26-27, 2024

The figure has been at the center of Scott Noel's art for forty years. This workshop will explore two complementary experiences with the life model. On the first day, the morning session will develop an interpretation of the body emphasizing gesture, mass, and volume. In the afternoon we will make an extended drawing in grisaille using black and white acrylic or gray pastels to evolve the body's forms into a shape-map that becomes continuous with the space surrounding the model. On the second day, we will work in oil or acrylic to integrate the previous day's discoveries with Charles Hawthorne's ideas of color discovery through the "spot of color" approach to the naming of shapes in the visual field. Scott will work alongside students.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Scott Noel
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Painting Trees: A Beginners Approach"
November 9, 2024

This tree painting workshop dives into tree structure and how to capture a tree's personality. We will focus on building the tree's gesture, capturing its shape and movement, creating depth with its trunk, and understanding how its foliage integrates into the larger form. Our goal is to learn how to generalize the tree's structure and capture its essence without getting bogged down in minute details. The class will include lots of one-on-one instruction and a lecture exploring how both historical and contemporary painters approach tree construction. Instead of aiming for finished paintings, we'll create two or three tree studies to solidify our understanding. Some painting experience would be helpful. Students are free to work in oil or acrylic.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Claire Haik
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553

"Master Class with Bill Scott: Still Life Into Abstraction"
November 23 & 24, 2024

Don't miss this opportunity to work with renowned painter Bill Scott to explore the sensuous yet thoughtful abstract construction of space in this two-day, intensive studio workshop. Color will be the focus as participants paint from an expansive still life environment with special prompts from Scott. This workshop is designed for intermediate/advanced painters.
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Bill Scott
Cost: $395
Sponsor: Cerulean Arts Gallery and Studio
Website, email, 267-514-8647

"Creating Dynamic Paintings from Photos"
December 7-8, 2024

Successfully producing expressive, painterly paintings from photographs requires a knowledge of both the advantages and potential pitfalls of photographic sources. While providing useful visual information, photos often mislead - distorting subjects and flattening the picture plane. In this workshop students will use photographs as a point of departure, a reference point from which information will selectively and intelligently be drawn. Students will be encouraged to develop a more defined understanding of their connection to their selected subjects. Developing an enhanced visual awareness of compositional design, the importance of shapes, color harmony and paint application is critically important. This workshop will help students learn to “see” as painters. They will be challenged to take chances, be bold, expressive and spontaneous.
Location: Wayne, Pennsylvania
Instructor: Georganna Lenssen
Sponsor: Wayne Art Center
Website, email, 610-688-3553


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